Word art

Hui world

Hui world

The world of Hartmut und ich | Hartmut and Me.

It began as a men's flatshare of an overexcited revolutionary and a good-natured blue collar worker who only wants to take a bath in peace. Add to that the most practical woman on the planet and a sensitive female artist, a bully of tomcats, a turtle, many friends and some enemies.
Always different, always new, but always under the motto: "Don't swim against the flow, but get out of the river."

Youth novels

Youth novels

Novels for 10 to 18-year-olds... and up.

They are teenagers or almost adults, some sporty and rustic, others nerdy and with so much empathy that the life of others becomes an open book for them. Young men on the twisted and crooked path, mostly hopeless in love, always in the drama of emotions, often without a father and in conflict with the mothers. Drama and comedy in the time of growing up, true to life and sincere.



Worlds where some things are very different.

When the head cinema shimmers in a thousand colours and the sound already comes from all sides internally. When every step in the imagined world makes the undergrowth crackle and every view into the mountains, alleys and labyrinths stimulates curiosity. When every answer to a question raises two new ones and only at the end everything adds up to the big "Heureka!" - the you are reading good fantasy.

Non fiction

Non fiction

Counsel for life.

Pale technical language is available elsewhere. These non fiction books tell their themes around tangible stories and vivid characters. Some freely invented, some heavily autobiographical, all disarmingly sincere. It's about strange beings like cats and men, mysterious rituals like festivals, parties or football matches or to deal with the motor vehicle, dying and death.



The Spirit of the book...

Time and time again there are people whose life story and professional life are suitable for books. Especially what men experience in blue collar jobs is so crazy that an editor would dismiss it as fiction: "Nobody will believe that!" But it's indeed all true. There are also novel worlds that had to be helped to birth because they belong in the world.



All together now!

Countless stories, essays and even poems find their way again and again into anthologies, whose pages are shared by dozens of valued colleagues. Mostly determined by a motto, every participant is allowed to live himself out and create miniatures, which are either secret offshoots of existing worlds or within a short reading time open up a new one in a stimulating way.

Academic stuff

Academic stuff

Deep digging.

Particularly around studying, phenomena were placed on the dissection table to be disassembled and being put together again in new ways. To bury yourself in a subject, get a grip on it and then reproduce in a way, that the audience learns in just a few hours when reading what would've taken them hundreds of hours of research to find out, brings incredible joy.



A voice to the characters.

Before streaming services conquered the world, some of the best stories found their way onto well-produced physical media with passionate speakers, surprising guest appearances and lovingly designed booklets. To follow the heroes on their adventures in the Hui world, at the train station, with the children or between tents, guarantees happy car rides.

Film development

Film development

Take one! Aaaand please!

For good stories, the same is true what is said about life in Jurassic Park - they always find a way. Some choose a different form to hatch than the novel or novella. They want to become films or television series, short dramas or long-term companions, home to countless new characters and plot points. A demanding quest...

Teaching material

Teaching material

Please sit! An A! With a star.

Since the first youth novel, some of the youth material has been the subject of discussion in schools across the country. From the sixth grade to the upper school and the vocational school, teachers and their protégés talk about what the literary heroes presented on these pages do and how all the motives can be interpreted. The teaching material helps - like a good pass on the football field.



I'm always right!

Every day life happens to you. Sometimes joyful, sometimes outrageous. Sometimes obscure, sometimes annoying. Souls of poets react on it with aphorisms. You don't plan them - they just dive out of the water of an active mind all around-the-clock. Like buoys that have always lurked on the bottom and whose ropes have now been untied. One day they might be bound as a book. Until then they'll already be here.